Come On In and Join Our Party
Welcome to the table! Whether you've been playing tabletop games for your whole life or you want to roll a d20 for the first time, we welcome you. Come in, get comfortable. It's game night.

About Us
Since 2012, Geek & Sundry has been the go-to destination for actual play tabletop roleplaying shows such as Critical Role, Relics & Rarities, and the all-new Sagas of Sundry: Goblin Mode, as well as a hub for tabletop, board gaming, and CCGs with shows like How to Play, Game the Game, and Spellslingers. It's your ultimate destination for immersive, thrilling content that speaks to the curious and passionate geek in all of us.
Explore deep dives into the games you love, get recommendations for a game to match your personality and playstyle, or just dip your toes into the water and see what you think. Whatever adventure you choose, we have your back.
We invite you to join our party and play. Welcome to Geek & Sundry.